During the last few years medical marijuana has been getting more and more recognition all around the world. Its effectiveness against many disorders had been scientifically proved. Thanks to the people from Greenhouse Seeds we can offer you the perfect medicinal marijuana strain.
Genetically it’s an Indica-dominant variety, which results in the abundance of CBD (sleep-inducing, pain-killing and anti-psychotic cannabinoid usually found in large quantities in pure Indica strains). There is plenty of too, over 17%, so the Doctor also holds a lot of recreational potential.
So, what kind of medical benefits the Doctor provides?
First of all, it is the vast increase in appetite. Everybody knows that cannabis brings on “munchies”, the state of sudden and very pronounced craving for food. For people who are suffering from nausea or other kinds of appetite disorders medical marijuana works like a charm.
This strain also proved itself helpful for patients with chronic pains and muscle cramps. And, naturally, this kind of weed is an ideal cure for insomnia. Not long after smoking you will fill the distinct desire to lose yourself to sleep.
Ask your family doctor about how cannabis can improve your health.
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