!(right)/system/site_photos/images/14/original/Legal_1.jpg?1401378315(Congreso de la Marihuana)!At the beginning of the XX century, just in the 1938, marijuana was considered to be a crime in almost worldwide by the International Convention of Opio of Haya.
This convention agreed that the countries that signed should do an effort to control the people who make, import, sell or distribute drugs like morphine, cannabis, cocaine and its derivatives.
“Cannabis is the most consumed drug in the world. It is taken by 2.5% of the world population”
The worldwide report about drugs, from United Nations of 2013, codes* 224 millions of cannabis* consumers.
The popularity of the marijuana has rectified the laws of traffic, cultivation and own consumption. For example, in the most states of the European Community the punishments have been reduced into fines and administrative penalties.
The different kinds of fines depend on the country. We recommend you to check the legislation of the country where you live, or where you want to travel.
In the countries that marijuana() is penalized, the police confiscate illegal shipment that is transported as contraband, even though small quantities that could be considerated for own consumption.
“You must take into account that counties like Norway, Finland or Sweden, consider marijuana to be a bigger crime, and people can go to prison or receive detoxification therapy”
Nevertheless, there exist places in the world that the consumption of cannabis has not such a big restriction. These countries become really famous by the fans of marijuana.
Holland has become the paradise of cannabis in the last decades.
The truth is that the law that regulates the use of these stupefies in the Netherlands allow them to buy, sell and consume this substance with the maximum of 5 grams of cannabis pro day.
Nevertheless, the Opio law in Holland do not allow the harvest of marijuana() , as well as the possession.
From the 70’s, the sale of marijuana and its derivatives in this country is regulated in the locals with licence denominated coffeeshop, which are allowed to give 25 grams every day pro person.
Nowadays, there is more than* 220 coffeeshop* opened thanks of the wish of the mayor in Amsterdam.
The Dutch capital receives a million of tourists every year. They come looking for the best coffeeshop.
“In 2010, more than 175.000 American entered in this bars, followed by 135.000 Spanish and 85.000 Italian. Belgian, German and Luxembourger are used cross the border to smoke, inhale or even eat cakes of marijuana”
Coffeeshops have become a part of the Dutch city.
The Dutch population has integrated it in their current day. To show this integration, there is in the centre of the city one secondary private school, Amsterdamsche School, surrounded by 13 coffeeshops.
The police and the official organizations turn a blind eye to some owners who get these products through an illegal way.
There is evidence that the cannabis() of Dutch cultivation is stronger than the imported one. Its concentration of THC is from 15% to 18%, and then it is considered a hard drug with zero tolerance.
“It is estimated that the cultivation of marijuana in Holland has created an illegal circle of exportation; with 40.000 illegal plantations with the gain of 2.000 million of euros.”
The hiding is punishable by the Dutch government. Nevertheless the tourism thanks is a source of income. For this reason, Amsterdam will not approve a law against marijuana.
Nowadays, the states members of the UE try to do an effort to increase the social and scientific research of the forbidden substances.
The social and the medical organisations investigate to do something in favour or against marijuana.
Now, millions of active people take part in platforms, associations and forums in order to fight for the legality. They also bring the Dutch flag to show its example of the legalization.