Has an earthy/citric/lemon aroma and a medium high strength that will not leave you inoperable. Will cause forgetfulness and the munchies, otherwise a well balanced stone without any nasty surprises such as paranoia or over-stimulation of the mind. Great medical qualities that soothes muscles and lets you stay productive. Could be used by those new to cannabis because of its` happy and well balanced high. Just right!!
La Sweet Tooth auto es un híbrido autofloreciente de gran producción, resultante de un cruce de nuestra legendaria sweet tooth y una rudelaris índica. Sweet Tooth crece compacta y con una altura de ap ...
La genética de Sour Diesel nos gustaba tanto a todo el equipo, que nos hemos lanzado de cabeza para crear su versión autofloreciente. Auto Sour Diesel es un hibrido elaborado a partir de la genética C ...
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