The organic compounds that are found in the marijuana plant are known as cannabinoids.
These chemical elements are the responsible of the effects that the marijuana produces in the organism.
The two most known chemical components that we can find in the marijuana plant are:
Tetrahidrocarbocannabinol known as THC
Cannabidiol commonly called CBD
The differences between them and their use are the effects that they produce in the organism.
THC: It can have psycho-active effects that can be used by recreational purposes.
CBD: It can have physiological effects. Is used with medicinal purposes.
The 40% of the cannabis plant is composed by an element called cannabidiol, known as CBD.
This element has a pharmacological power in the body and it hasn’t psychoactive powers registered.
Its effects is sedative and inhibit the transitions of the nervous signals associated with the pain.
It offers a big relief to the people who suffer these disorders:
It also reduces the growth of the cells of breast and prostate cancer and transform them in less invasive.
The CBD component hasn’t toxic powers, but can change the alert status of the organism.
Commonly called THC, is the most known of the cannabis components by its psychoactive effects.
This component is generated by the marijuana plant as a self-defense against the herbivore depredators and to synthetize the solar light.
The consumption of this component in the organism produces effects in the *immune system and in the neurotransmitter system *.
In a cerebral level when this component is absorbed by the organism it produces indamine doses, which adheres to the neuronal cells and alerts the release of transmitters ganglion, spinal cord and the grey matter.
In other words, it has analgesic effects and inhibits the neurotransmitters in charge to make us to feel the pain.
Suitable to:
If the consumption of THC is indicated by the treatments of cited pains and disorders, in medicinal terms is considered toxic for the organism.
It causes altered states of the conscience, euphoria and different discomforts that can change the normality of the sleep, alimentation and nervous and motor system cycles.
You should have into account that the cannabinoids remain in the body between 9 months and 1year.
Nowadays the marijuana bank seeds have done a big effort in their investigation and development departments to compile all the information about the percentage of cannabinoids of each variety.
In the technic card of the marijuana seed variety that you get you will be able to see the percentage of TCH and CBD that will possess your marijuana plant.
Nowadays a lot of marijuana producers choose varieties that have more CDB to use them with medicinal purposes.
In the most of the occasions the percentage of cannabinoids of the marijuana plant that you will cultivate will be determined depending on the variety that you choose.
However, there exists a formula to get differentiated chemical values in your specimen.
If you pick up the heart harvest when the hairs of the plants are ochre, and the trichomes are sheer, you will obtain more psychoactive effects because there is more TCH.
But if you leave to mature the hearts until the hairs are brown-orange, and the trichomes leave their sheer you will get more CDB, then higher narcotic values.
In addition to CDB and TCH in the cannabis we find more that 525 molecules in the cannabis that produce other effects in the organism.
Between them, the most underlined would be:
As soon as the effects that produce in the organism, we can say that they help to synthetize the fat molecules that the organism accumulates and have properties very similar to those A, D, E and K vitamins.
According to medical researches the marijuana consumption as a medicinal use starts to give results between the early 4 and 8 weeks.