The Tibetan buddas consider cannabis the most sacred plant since a lot of time ago. In sud America and Africa, they use hemp plants to produce salves to fight against pains; arthritis and asthma
!(right)/system/site_photos/images/26/original/salud1.jpg?1401383394(Ungüentos de la Marihuana)!In the fifteenth century started the first marijuana plantations as a therapeutic use like treat pains or skin inflammations.
Nevertheless, its therapeutic value was not recognised until the twentieth century by the United States.
The debate of its legalization as therapeutic use is still opened since its prohibition in 1937.
Marijuana performs in the hypothalamus. It is the neurological centre of the brain where hormones are added in the hypophisis and where the appetite sensation is controlled.
The stimulation of the hormones produces several reactions and physical sensations that increase the pleasure sensation.
Marijuana can performs as another medicine because it can help to stop some chronic pains.
“THC, the psyco-active substance of marijuana, actives the neurone receptors like dopamine in the brain. These receptors operate with the brain answers like pleasure in the limbic system.”
Since 2002, several studies are formulated every year about the benefits of the medicinal marijuana.
Studies of the National Institute of Health (HIH), from EEUU, and Medical Associations of England affirm that marijuana is effective to help with sharp pains, and pains related with the nervous system, for example migraine and glaucoma.
The consumption of marijuana is convenient against chronic pains.
“In 1997, a scientific investigation showed that someone had to consume 681 kilos of marijuana in 15 minutes to be a mortal dose. If we compare it with paracetamol, the death risk for overdose is 500 mg every 24 hours.”
Nowadays, there exist several medical and therapeutical preparations that use cannabis(). There are 66 components of the plant that contain cannabinoids; these are the base substances to use the marijuana as a medical use.
“Cannabinoids” are charged to help our organism to fight with these pains:
Also, in a psychological level, it performs as a stress reducing.
Then it has a positive reception in depressions. It can prevent Alzheimer and disorder like Tourette syndrome.
h2.The medical community approves its use.
Some interviews affirm that the 50% of the doctors in the United States approve the medicinal marijuana.
“In Canada, for example, its use is allowed with several pains and treatments in terminal patients.”
Nowadays, there is a marijuana pill() called Marinol. It is available with a medical prescription.
Its prescription is allowed to alleviate nauseas and vomits associated with cancer and with the loss of appetite with SIDA patients.