


Sativa Indica

Africa; North India

8 - 9 weeks

400-450 gr/m2





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5 Stern | | 1 |
4 Stern | | 0 |
3 Stern | | 0 |
2 Stern | | 0 |
1 Stern | | 0 |
1 Bericht
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Marshmallow Matinee
Kommentieren:Mine produced a strange aroma - a mixture of wood, apple, earth, liquorice, citrus and Swedish Bitters! Was also the highly branched phenotype; would have been ideal for a S.C.R.O.G. set up, but as is my usual practice, was grown with the so called "Low Stress Training" technique (tying/pulling the plant and branches down, to limit vertical growth and promote branch development). Branches were very strong and she coped well with the weight of the mature flowers, also anything else Mother Nature threw at her, including 8 straight days of 40 degrees Celsius, even one day where it reached 47.7 degrees!!! I did not lose one plant during this "heatwave", however, it took a lot of dedication and water; also plenty of (liquid) seaweed extract to fortify my plants. It worked / can be done!! This was one Mandala strain that enjoyed being fed, Biovega mainly, even though she was planted directly in the ground and with very well prepared soil (this takes me 3 months to achieve and is all organic - a mixture of animal manures, worm castings, compost, bone meal, minerals etc.). Side note - Biovega is amazing, but half strength is my recommendation for outdoor use on soil. The effects of 8 Miles High start slowly then whoosh, lift off !! Initially a Sativa rocket-ship that is slightly racy, but without anxiety, which is clear and clean, highly mentally stimulating and creative. Later, effects evolve into a marshmallow, soothing Indica bubble. She has excellent medical worth, melting muscles, relieving nausea and blocking/reducing pain greatly. Probably at the upper limit for novices; so start with small doses. A small puff, then give it 5 minutes or so for the effects to fully develop before deciding to have any/some more. Come down is gentle and without a fuzzy head or any other "green hangover" symptoms. Good for daytime use because you stay alert and functional, but afterwards, be ready for the munchies! Traditional quality that does not disappoint and like all Mandala strains, a Cannaseurs' delight. Top Shelf ! Peace and Love
by Bentos on
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