Thirstiest plant I have grown in 35 years ! Leaves turned purple at maturity, possibly due to cold nights. Very strong branches that hold the weight of buds well. This plant had the unusual ability to turn her leaves perpendicular to the sun, notably in the morning and in the evening. Needs only moderate/light feeding, a typical Mandala trait. Buds smell like pine/mint/apple with a hint of chocolate, that are very dense and you will need good ventilation and/or a fan blowing in the drying area to prevent problems. Effect is extremely clear, lucid, very creative and happy. All negative thoughts will be banished, a smile will be constantly on your face and she is perfect for philosophical conversations. There are absolutely no negative effects as can be sometimes associated with strong Sativas. Sunglasses may be needed to hide your drooping eyelids ! Great party buzz that is plenty strong, but not overwhelming and causing you to sit in a corner completely spaced out. Later, munchies will be unavoidable and you will sleep like a baby, waking relaxed and with no "hangover". Ideal social strain as it causes extroversion, so good for shy people. Very up-beat strain and highly recommended. Take me to the party !!